
Plugable Support Forum Has Moved!

At Plugable we strive to provide world class customer support for our products but we are always looking to improve. In order to provide a more robust support experience we have migrated our support forums to a new platform that will allow us to interact with our community closely as well as implement new support features in the future. The new forum can be found at the same location as the previous one,

If you have visited our previous support forums you account should be transferred over to the new system, but you will need to request a password change after clicking the “Log In” button and clicking “I forgot my password” on the Log In screen.

You may then enter the same email address that was used on our previous forum and you will then receive password reset instructions in you email inbox.

If you are a first time visitor you can click the Sign Up button to register a new account and begin posting!

Please contact our support team by posting a new topic or contacting us directly at if you have any questions!